Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Details from College!

Its my second to last day and I am so so so excited to finish. Its been a great year but very busy and tiring with the journey there and back very day...I will be so happy not to have any more 6:30 am starts! I've been very busy this week... my sculpture BROKE and with tomorrow being the deadline I've spent today gluegunning so much I have blisters :(

Photos of my sculpture will follow but for now here's a few pictures from today! 


  1. lol the glue gun famine of 2010


  2. Hey!
    Thanks for checking out my blog :)
    I didn't take a foundation year before going into architecture, I went directly into my Bachelors of Architecture right out of High School. I really enjoy how creative and open architecture school is (At least my school) so if you like Art I would definitely look into schools that focus more on the creative and conceptual aspects.
    Hope that helps a bit!
